Image of Royal Cresent, Bath

Did you know, Properties, Homes and Offices in Bath may have High Levels of Radon?

If your property is in and around the Bath area, which is a known high Radon area, you may have higher than recommended levels of Radon in your home or workplace.

By visiting our website you’ve found a team of experts that can help you and rest assured it is possible to reduce the radon levels in your property.

You can check this map to see if your property might be affected. Or, give us a call and we can help you with the steps you need to take.


If you’re ready to take action to reduce the levels of radon in your property…

You can either:

  1. Call us

Our advice is always FREE as our primary concern is to ensure you have all the necessary information before deciding on the best course of action to reduce the radon levels in your home, your office, school, or whatever type of property you have in Bath.


  1. Take immediate action


If you think your home may be affected, but don’t want a call just yet, then one of our Radon Gas Testing Kits, seen on the picture opposite, could be the solution for you. You’ll see from the many positive reviews they do what they say – they alert you to the levels of radon in your property!

After the sampling period you return the detectors to A1 Radon in the envelope provided. We then send these to an independent UK laboratory, accredited by PHE.

If the readings come back with a level above the current action level of 200 Bq. A1 Radon can aim to reduce the level of radon in your property to safe PHE target level guidelines.


  1. Make use of our specialist radon reduction service

As we said at the start, properties in Bath and surrounding areas fall under a higher risk category than others throughout the UK.

But that shouldn’t spoil the enjoyment you get from living in an area of such outstanding beauty. You just need to be sure you’ve done all you can to make your property safe. If you prefer us to carry out the testing in your property, rather than use one of our kits to do this yourself, that’s what we’ll do!

The team at A1 Radon offer a complete professional service, from start to finish, Including testing, surveys and consultancy. Once we know the levels of radon in your property we can offer the remedial service that suits your situation; from Loft or Wall PIVs to Mini Sumps.

So call our friendly team now on 01225 690 050 and get the peace of mind you deserve.